Home 9 Fees


Hexagon Psychology provides comprehensive, evidence-based assessment, counselling, and speech therapy services for children, teens, and adults.

The following fee schedule reflects our typical services and is not intended to showcase an exhaustive list. For a detailed estimate for the kind of service you require, meeting with one of our talented mental health professionals is recommended.

Initial Consultation Services

Initial Consultation $75 for 30-minute appointment

Assessment & Diagnostic Services

ADHD Assessment $1,200 to $3,840
Autism Assessment $3,120 to $3,840
Gifted Assessment $1,200 to $2,160
Mental Health Assessment $3,120 to $3,840
Neuropsychological Assessment $4,080 to $4,800
Psychoeducational Assessment $3,120 to $3,840

Counselling Services

Counselling Session $240 for 50-minute appointment

Speech Therapy Services

Assessment Session $150 for 50-minute appointment
Therapy Session $150 for 50-minute appointment


  • Please note that any time used to complete documentation, letters, or reports related to your file will be billed in 15-minute intervals at the hourly rate of your professional.
  • Clients only pay after each visit, thus are not required to pay the total cost for an assessment upfront.
  • ​Although our clinic does not direct bill to third-party insurance, we do provide electronic invoices which make the claim submission process easy.